A England·Vernis à ongles - Nail polish

Le vernis du moment // Currently on my nails #69 – Pallas, A England

Please scroll down for the English version 😉


Un billet de revue d’un vernis A England sorti il y a peu, ça vous dit? Si oui, ça tombe très bien parce-que je vous poste aujourd’hui un billet détaillé sur Pallas, de A England 🙂

Pallas fait partie de la Collection Poe’s Tale qui est sortie fin 2019 et c’est un gris fumé hautement holographique, inspiré de la fusion du marbre blanc et du corbeau noir. En quelques mots, il est sublime! D’ailleurs, à peine reçu, à peine posé 🙂

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’histoire de la marque, cliquez ici, vous serez redirigés vers mon billet sur Lady Of The Lake.

Voici voilà donc Pallas 😉


*lumière naturelle – sans top coat*


Pallas est une merveille à appliquer. Il est rapide, facile et ultra agréable et je vous invite à lire la suite pour en savoir plus 🙂

La texture et l’opacité

La texture de Pallas est une pure texture gel et je suis une grande fan de cette texture chez A England 🙂 Elle se lisse très bien sur l’ongle, elle s’applique sans effort, ne coule pas, s’auto-lisse. Vraiment, je la trouve fantastique!

L’opacité de Pallas va, je pense, vous étonner. Et si je vous disais que j’ai obtenu le résultat des photos en une couche? Une seule couche! Non mais c’est pas dingue ça?! Une couche et un tel rendu! Je suis en amour ❤

Le séchage

Pallas sèche très rapidement, ce qui ne gâche rien, n’est-ce pas?! Du coup, avec Pallas, vous aurez besoin de 5 minutes devant vous, base et top coat inclus :-O

Le rendu

Le rendu de Pallas est à tomber par terre. Déjà, sa teinte est carrément unique et tellement belle. Ensuite, ses holos sont tellement présents que cela rend Pallas hyper profond, même sans top coat. J’adore!

Ceci étant dit, je recommande quand même l’application d’une couche de top coat sur Pallas car cela vient lisser visuellement le tout et apporter un aspect encore plus holographique et brillant.

La tenue

J’ai porté Pallas pendant 5 jours. Les 4 premiers jours ont montré une tenue parfaite. Pallas était bien brillant et ne s’est pas écaillé ou affadi. C’est seulement à partir de la deuxième moitié du 5e jour qu’il a commencé à s’écailler au niveau du bord libre. Mais à aucun moment il n’a perdu en brillance! Pour moi, c’est une tenue tout à fait acceptable donc j’en suis très contente sur ce point-là aussi 🙂

Le démaquillage 

Le moment de le retirer venu, Pallas ne m’a posé aucun problème. Un coton, du dissolvant, même pas besoin de frotter, la perfection!

Où se le procurer?

Je me suis procuré Pallas sur la boutique en ligne Hypnotic Polish, ici, mais vous pouvez également l’acheter sur le site de vernisongles.fr, ici, ou encore chez Nailland, ici.

Vous savez tout sur Pallas, de A England 🙂 J’espère que cet article de revue vous aura plu! Et vous, vous avez craqué pour Pallas?

A très vite!


What about a review of a fairly new A England lacquer? Well, if your answer is ‘yes’ then that’s awesome because today, I will be talking to you in details about Pallas, by A England 🙂

Pallas is part of the Poe’s Tale Collection which the brand released at the end of 2019 and it is a smoked grey super highly holographic, inspired by the fusion of white marble and black raven. In a few words, it is stunning! As soon as I received it, I applied it, just to mention 🙂

In case you are interested in knowing more about the brand, please click here, it will open my blog post on Lady Of The Lake.

And here is Pallas 😉


*natural light – no top coat*

The way it applies

Pallas is such a pleasure to apply. It applies quickly, easily and super pleasantly. I would love for you to keep reading to know more about it 🙂

Texture and opacity

The texture of Pallas is a true gel-like texture which I am huge about when it comes to A England 🙂 It spreads very well on the nails, it applies effortlessly, it does not run, it self-smoothes. No joke, it is fantastic!

I bet that the opacity of Pallas will surprise you. What if I told you that what you see on the pictures is one coat of it? One single coat! Is it not insane?! One coat and such a finish! I am in love ❤

The drying

Pallas dries down on the nails super quickly which makes it even more loveable, right?! With Pallas, you will only need 5 minutes to achieve your manicure, base and top coats included :-O

The finish

The finish of Pallas is to die for. First of all, its shade is absolutely unique and oh so beautiful. Then, it is so saturated by holos that it Pallas becomes very deep, even without any top coat on. I adore it so much!

That being said, I still recommend applying a coat of top coat onto Pallas as it will smooth it all out and give it an even more shiny holographic aspect.

How long did it hold?

I wore Pallas for 5 days. The first 4 days, it showed a perfect holding power. Pallas was shiny and it did not chip off nor faded away and its shine was very visible the entire time. It is only from the second half of the 5th day that it started chipping off towards the free edge of the nails but never did it lose its shine! For me, its wear time is totally acceptable so I am pretty satisfied here as well 🙂

The removal

When it was time for me to remove Pallas, it did effortlessly. A cotton pad, some nail polish remover, no need to rub, perfection!

Where can you find it?

I got my bottle of Pallas from the online shop of Hypnotic Polish –here– but you can also find it on the vernisongles.fr shop –here, or on Nailland –there.

You know it all about Pallas, de A England 🙂 I hope that you enjoyed this review blog post! What about you, do you have Pallas in your collection yet?

Talk to you soon!

11 commentaires sur “Le vernis du moment // Currently on my nails #69 – Pallas, A England

    1. Hi Ananka!
      I would looooove to visit Scotland 😍
      A England polishes are stunning! I find them to be so mysterious! And when the sun pops out, they show a totally different finish ♥️
      Speak soon Dear 😘


      1. Once this virus is over, you totally should! We have such lovely places ❤

        We did a road trip to Spain last year to visit my friend in Anoeta and we drove through France. We stopped off at a few places. I remember on the drive back, we stopped at Bordeaux and it was very very warm that day. While in France I bought some nail polishes, of course 😉

        Aimé par 1 personne

      2. Some colleagues of mine are from Scotland but I’d love for you to recommend me places where to go 😍
        I’ve never been to Bordeaux but I heard it’s a beautiful city. That area is indeed pretty warm!
        I am from the North-East of France. I have to admit that there’s not much to see here 😞


      3. Wow really, whereabouts are they from? I am Central Scotland near Glasgow and Edinburgh. What do you work as?

        Oh well you need to visit: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Loch Lomond, Perth these are all good places. I guess it depends what you like to do? Plenty shopping and history in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Glasgow is warmer but wet and Edinburgh tends to be dry but a bit cooler.

        Aimé par 1 personne

      4. Hi Ananka!
        I work for a financial service provider in Luxembourg. There are plenty of foreigners there, including myself, haha! I commute every day. I live in France, just by the border 😉

        They’re both from Edinburgh actually! And looking at the description you made of the city, I think I’d like it better than Glasgow because I love a good dry and cool/cold weather. I’m definitely a museum/outdoor person. I barely go shopping and the only shopping I do is makeup -although I’ve been purchasing only when one product is empty for a while now- and nail polishes. I’m addicted, there’s nothing I can and want to do against that one 🤣

        Speak soon!


      5. Sounds fun! Good to experience different people at work and different cultures 😀

        Glasgow has a very good museum – Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. I love it and often visit it every few years. There are also other museums here too. Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle are worth visits too.

        Outdoors wise – there are millions upon millions of places around Glasgow and Edinburgh. Plenty in Central Scotland for sure. Walking, outdoor sports, canoeing, fishing, archery, climbing and so much more. Lots of walking tours as well.

        Both Glasgow and Edinburgh are good for polish shopping. They have both robbed me of a lot of money! Like you, I am also a nail polish addict – beyond help I am sad to say haha!

        Once this is all over and we can all travel freely again, you can let me know when you are coming and I can tell you more and advise you, if you want. 😀

        Aimé par 1 personne

      6. Thank you so sooo much for your comment Ananka!
        I took note of everything 😊
        The day I decide to come and visit Scotland, I will definitely let you know 😉

        I see what you mean, my addiction has come to a point where there is no going back I am afraid. No doctor or medicine will be able to doing anything for me at that point 🤣


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